Cleaning the Tank and Feeding the Fish |

Cleaning the Tank and Feeding the Fish

Cleaning the tank and feeding the fish are the two main responsibilities of a fish keeper (or any pet keeper, really). If you are not ready for these, you need to rethink keeping a fish. Hi, my name is Marc, and I am a first-time fishkeeper. In this article, I share my experience of cleaning my Betta fish tank and feeding the fish for the first time.

Are fish low-maintenance?

Yes, fish are low-maintenance pets. You only need to remove poop from the tank every once in a while and feed them twice a day. Unlike cats and dogs, fish do not need pet grooming or baths. Fish only need a well-kept habitat to stay happy and healthy.

However, fishkeeping is no easy task either; it can get difficult if you do not approach it the correct way.

Going into this hobby, I was not aware that the maintenance of a pet fish was so difficult. I thought that it could not be harder than cleaning up after a cat or dog. However, I found that fish maintenance is arguably more difficult in some respects.

While pet fish do not need grooming or baths, their aquariums should always be in tip-top shape. Thus, you need to always check the aquarium tank’s pH level, temperature, ammonia level, etc. Basically, you need to know every property of the water in the aquarium. It can get complicated, but there is an easier way to keep it in the best condition: replace and condition the water every once in a while.

Are fish tanks hard to clean?

Compared to cats and dogs, cleaning after a fish is harder because it has an added component, which is water.

Since fish are contained in a tank, the size of your tank dictates the difficulty of cleaning. The larger your tank is, the harder the cleaning.

Most Betta fish owners keep their fish separated in small aquarium tanks. So, cleaning is a breeze. However, if you own multiple fish tanks, it could take you a while to clean all of them.

My Betta fish tank | Cleaning the Tank and Feeding the Fish
My Betta fish tank |

If you are like me and like a good aquarium view, you should also consider aquascaping, which is like landscaping but underwater.

Aquascaping can be a little overwhelming for first-time owners. So, it is fine if you do not do it for your first pet fish. You can get away with a simple live plant buried in some sand.

Cleaning the Tank and Removing Poop

Poop cleaning and tank maintenance may differ from tank to tank based on some factors, such as fish type, number of fish per tank, the plants, tank filter, etc. For instance, my tank only houses one fish and has a plant. Therefore, I can get away with infrequent cleaning and maintenance.

A dirty tank floor | Cleaning the Tank and Feeding the Fish
A dirty tank floor |

But, you should check daily if your aquarium is dirty. If it is, you need to clean it immediately.

How often should I clean my aquarium tank?

As mentioned earlier, maintenance differs from one aquarium tank to another. Ideally, you should scoop poop daily and fully replace the water once every month.

What tools do I need for removing poop?

  • Turkey baster (poop pump)
  • Siphon pump
  • Flashlight

For my tank’s daily cleaning, I only use a turkey baster to get all the visible poop. It is a lot easier to use a poop pump than a siphon pump for removing individual pieces of dirt.

Using the flashlight app for tank cleaning |

I infrequently use the flashlight on my phone when poop is harder to see. I usually focus the light on the bottom if poop is buried in the substrate of the tank.

On the other hand, I use the siphon pump for the monthly water replacement. It is easier to empty the tank of water without disturbing the sand and plants if a siphon pump is used.

My First-time Cleaning Poop

On my first time removing fish poop, I honestly did not know what I was doing or what I needed to remove. To begin with, I was not aware of how the fish poop looked. Instead, I started willy-nilly and squeezed the poop pump to see what I got.

The poop particles I removed on my first try |
The poop particles I removed on my first try |

On my first try, I only scooped a few particles, so I tried again. My second attempt was a little better; I removed more poop particles and got a few pieces of plant. On my last attempt, I got fewer particles than on my first try, so I stopped.

Here’s a better view where you can clearly see the floating poop particles. There are also a few plant pieces here and there. 

Cleaning the Outside of the Tank Too

While it is not necessary to clean the outside of the tank, it is a good habit to wipe it down every once in a while.

Later that day, I noticed that the outside of the tank was also dirty. It was covered with dust and dried liquids from my cleaning earlier. So, why not clean the outside too?

Wiping down the sides of the tank |

I wiped down all sides of the tank with a wet wipe.

Remember: If removing poop is for the fish’s benefit, cleaning the outside of the tank is for your benefit.

Feeding the Fish

The most exciting part of owning any pet is feeding time. You see your pet’s excitement every time you are preparing their food. In my case, my Betta fish always surfaces whenever it sees my finger over the water surface.

Betta fish goes to the water surface thinking that I will give it a pellet |

Betta fish can feel stressed out when you are cleaning its tank. That is why I always feed it after every tank cleaning.

What food does a Betta fish eat?

Optimum Betta Fish Food |
Optimum Betta Fish Food |

Betta fish are not picky eaters. You should feed your fish one of the following food:

  • Pellet
  • Blood worms

How often do I need to feed my fish?

As a rule of thumb, you need to feed the fish twice a day. For me, I always feed my fish right after I wake up and before I eat dinner.

Is overfeeding bad for my fish?

Anything beyond the normal is considered bad. Normally, you would only need to feed 2 to 3 pellets per feeding time. If you overfeed your Betta fish, it can create more poop. Thus, you need to clean its tank more frequently.

Let’s Feed the Fish!

Betta fish eats a pellet |

Here’s how small the betta fish food pellet is, compared to my finger.

My Betta fish knows its feeding time. Whenever I put my finger over the tank, it always surfaces.

Watch Me Feed My Fish!

Cleaning the Tank. Feeding the Fish. | Pet Betta

Final Verdict: Is caring for a fish hard?

Keeping any pet is a huge responsibility. You should always care for them and tend to their needs. Otherwise, it can go badly for them. Otherwise, fish can catch a disease or, in the worst case, die.

However, if you do everything correctly, they can live and accompany you for a long time.

Happy fishkeeping!

Read more: I bought a Betta Fish. Let’s Unbox and Set It Up.






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